Sunday, July 27, 2008

Flying High or Nose Dive???

Good evening! Hope this finds everyone doing well. I thought I'd take a few moments and catch you up on the latest here.

Sunday evening and we are preparing for yet another week at the day job--and, we are very grateful to have one!

So, what do you think about this BizJet? No, it isn't in my back yard. But, I spent all day Saturday and most of Sunday studying this plane. Why? Because it makes an appearance in my Work In Progres (WIP). I needed information like seat belt type, how many seats on the plane, and in an emergency landing, does that door hold hidden steps? How about the passenger briefing card? What's a person to do in an emergency without that? Does this plane have a particular common malfunction? Could that malfunction be caused from----sabotage?! If so, could there be survivors? Whew! These questions and more fill the action-packed WIP. Any suggestions for scenes, please pass them my way.

Currently, one editor is looking at the first chapter or so and another should be contacting me soon. One published friend told me that I shouldn't sell myself short and possibly just self-edit. Aweeee. Though that is a sweet thought, we'll see what comes back from the first chapter before attempting that one. I do so covet your prayers.

The steeple scene pulled together quite nicely. Thanks again for the input and emails.

At the rate I'm writing, I hope to have a first rough draft completed by September. Research is taking most of my time at this point. Tomorrow at lunch, I'll be researching home security systems.


On the home front, life is busy as usual. A friend's daughter is with us for a couple months--a real jewel. Chris is nearing the end of summer school and will be visiting family and friends over the next few weeks. Lee is---what can I say---adorable as always :-)

Tomorrow? Hopefully I'll get all the facts about the break in. Oh, didn't I tell you??? The security system. Uh huh, someone will do a neat little break in before the book moves much further. Evidence for the crime is there. Whistle whetted yet? Stay tuned!



Friday, July 18, 2008

Lion and the Lamb

Good evening,
I hope you are looking forward to a great weekend. Colorado has been temperate this past week. And, after last weekend in Houston, I relish the temperature break here.

Lion and Lamb. Have you ever looked at the traits? Look at the lamb. Small. Gentle. Helpless. A lamb must be led beside still waters. Roaring waterfalls would set the lamb running.
A lion charges. He is determined. And,
he will obtain his goal. Lions kill their prey, ripping it apart.

Jesus is the Lamb of God--slaughtered for us. He is also the Lion of Judah and could have easily come down from the cross and destroyed everyone. Yet, he didn't. The Lamb of God died my death. And, He died your death. And, the life I now live, I live to Christ.

The next time Jesus shows up on the earth, He won't be seen as a lamb. He will enter this world as the Lion. There will be no second chances then.

As believers, we can look around and see Biblical fulfillment. The time is soon. Be ready--for in the twinkling of an eye~~~

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Happy 4th!

Happy 4th of July! Plans? Family? BBQ? How about fireworks? If you live near Colorado Springs, I can definitely offer a thumbs up for the Palmer Lake Fireworks--truly amazing. But, give yourself an hour or so to get into this small mount town and get a parking place. And, oh yea...another 30 minutes or so to get a seat on the ground in the park (a folding lawn chair would be a great asset at this time). There is a small ice cream shop in the town that is within walking distance--another 30-minute wait. The splendid fireworks are longer than most. Then, you have the drive out of the town. Ummm...another hour or so. But, remember--no working tomorrow :-)
We hope to spend time with friends and chill out a bit. Saturday, Lord willing, will be a writing day for me.
Thanks to everyone for the comment and emails on the steeple choice. Looks like the first one will be the choice. Researching possible and actual accidents of steeples has been fun. I've found records back as far as 1886! Have a great accident idea? You know--stone falling and crushing a part of the church, barely missing the preacher who is standing just out of reach as the stone falls down. Anything at all. Suggestions welcome.
To date, the word count is about half way for the novel. If the accident can be solidified in my mind, another chapter will be on paper soon.
Until next time.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Steeple Shopping!

When Lee and I browsed Colorado, we took picture of churches--with steeples. Why? The book has a pretty interesting scene with a steeple. The problem is...what type of steeple is right for the book? So, help me out here...k? Think small town Wyoming--up against the mountains. Which church fits best?

If you don't want to blog your suggestion, please email me at I welcome any suggestions!

Back to the story....Why did he leave Wyoming? To find who? What about the other guy? hmmmm, wonder what those two in the book will be doing in Chapter 9--
