The writers’ conference in Estes Park is closing in on me and preparations are coming along—slowly, but they are coming. Two chapters of a novel are completed, a one-page book synopsis, 500-word of the first chapter for the Nangie part of the conference, and an 18-chapter synopsis. I hope to get a book proposal done within the next few days. Then, about six hard copies on 24-lb paper for editors and agents. CD discs will accompany the hard copies along with a photo business card. Thank you notes will be tucked away for those authors, editors and agents I will meet.
What to wear?! Oh yes, jeans are a must have for the casual times in the mountains. But, time had to be set aside to coordinate outfits, jewelry, purses, etc. Can’t forget about marketing, can I? I need to think hard about a bio and platform as well.
Sound like a busy time? That’s preparation. As I meditated on preparation and what that word means, I found a great definition—to make ready beforehand for some approaching event or need. Jesus is doing that for us now. He told us so much in John 14:2, “In My Father's house are many dwelling places; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you.”
When I prepare for something, I am constantly thinking on the matter—like the writers’ conference. I want all the details in place. Not only does Jesus put all the details in place for us, he reveals them to us. 1 Corinthians 2:9 & 10—but just as it is written, “Things which eye has not seen and ear has not heard, and which have not entered the heart of man, all that God has prepared for those who love Him. “For to us God revealed them through the Spirit; for the Spirit searches all things, even the depths of God.
The next time you sit with your Bible and a nice cup of tea, why not do a topical study of prepare? His Spirit will reveal things to your heart—because you love him!
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4 days ago
1 comment:
Aw Jackie, how cute are those chipmunks! Jim has to see these.
Love your post on preparation.
I am praying hard for you, you have worked hard and I know that Jesus is pleased with what you have done.
I would love to go, but this year is tough. I am getting Mara sent to two publishers for consideration. Requests from CWG Conference and then I am starting on The Standards. Please continue to pray for me in this and when you get a chance check out my blogs on the writers retreat in April. I got a lot out of it and can't wait till you can go. It is with ACFW and when you are ready, well, I'll be your sister there too!
Paulette Harris
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