Saturday, June 21, 2008

Gunnison, Montrose and Silverton

Aaaahhhh--vacation! First thing we did was enjoy the smooth drive through Gunnison, Colorado. Gunnison is about three-plus hours southwest of Colorado Springs and home of Western State College of Colorado. After gawking at the beautiful lakes, we were on to Silverton via Ouray where we had opportunity to look wayyyy over the edge on million-dollar-highway just ourside Ouray.

If you tiptoe to the edge...go can see the drop off. That drop is at least 1,000 feet and many places on the highway didn't have a rail. There is current construction going on there now. So, be careful if you are going to Durango this way.

The Uncompagre River seems to run forever and is absolutely gorgeous! Plenty of fishing. Lee and I are already planning our next trip. Between Gunnison and Ouray, we spent one night at a B & B in Montrose. Had we known the beauty of Ouray, we probably would have driven the extra 30 minutes to Ouray on our first evening out.
Thanks for your prayers while we were gone. The SUV absorbed many miles with no car trouble at all.
Tomorrow, the beginning of a journey back to about 1882. Toot Toot! chugga chugga chugga....
Until tomorrow~~

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