Friday, June 26, 2015

Are you ready? Really ready?

     When I have the honor of spending time with my granddaughter, she knows I have planned something special. This may be spending time on a slide at the park, or feeding baby ducks at the lake. But, she knows I have plans for her. More importantly, she trusts that I have plans. We go through the checklist before leaving the house. Got dolly? Snack? Sunscreen? Sunglasses? She continually nods her head. Then I say, “You ready?” Her smile reveals nearly every tooth in her mouth as she says, “I weddy!” And, as promised, I take her out for a wonderful time—complete with ice cream! My granddaughter was prepared for a trip with her Nana.
     In Light of the Supreme Court’s decision today, I ask you, are you ready? Franklin Graham had it right when he said that the Supreme Court was not the creator who defined marriage. So, the court is not the collection of men and women to redefine it. God defined marriage as the union with one man and one woman. Every time America attempts to turn her back on God, He removes more and more protection from us.
     How many human beings, created in the image of God, died today in the three terrorist’ attacks? Think it is coincidental that there have been three attacks today with multiple deaths? I think not.
       I have many friends who are believers, many who are churchins, and quite a few who practice a gay lifestyle and do not care to know anything about God. To those who will love His appearing, persevere. To those who may attend church but do not know the Savior of the world, are you ready? I mean really ready? And, to those who took victory with today’s judgement from the Supreme Court, please know that you have been deceived. God loves you. And, His people love you. Please get ready.
(Picture from

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