The story begins in a small Wyoming town. Peter Broyles is dead--no accident. Along the way, many geographical touches enter the book. Including this one. Incredible, isn't it? A moose--of all animals--enters a suspense novel. Ever hear of MRU's? Motivation reaction units. They are a must to keep the story moving forward with tension on every page. I was totally amazed when I discovered a moose made a cameo appearance in the story. hhmmm, MRU? Doesn't take much to imagine that if one of these beautiful beasts attacks, a person would definitely react....hence moving the story forward.
Wyoming and Colorado are the main locations for this suspense novel. So yes, you will see elk, moose, mountains and maybe a cat or two. During the autumn, you'll hear the bull elk bugle and his breath will permeate the still evening air. To make sure the journey is accurate and the story as real as possible, Lee and I hope to take a few days to travel to the small town in Wyoming. We may even find a graveyard with a tombstone that resembles Mr. Broyles'. Maybe other clues will be found in the "clutter" of the book's details before the manuscript is complete.
Take the trip with me. Four chapters are completed and I never know where it will turn. After all, the moose showed up quite unexpectedly. Prayers are appreciated as I try to complete a chapter plus per week.
Oh, what's that? You want a seed of a clue about the story? ok...Peter Broyles is needed desperately. And, he is no good to anyone dead. Except for the package he left behind.......
Blessings to you until next time~~
Great stuff!
cool! How fun that yonou and your hubby can enjoy a few days up there. Take a note book, camera, and maybe even a recorder. Lots to add to the novel! :)
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