Saturday, December 6, 2008

Merry Christmas!!!

Merry Christmas
from our home to yours!

We hope you are doing well this holiday season as we celebrate the birth of Jesus. This past year has been filled with blessings for us and the future promises blessings and opportunities as we continue sharing our lives with others.
This past summer Lee and Jackie visited Ouray, Silverton, Durango and Mesa Verde. They travelled Million Dollar Highway, a narrow road of about 25 miles between Ouray and Silverton that hugs the side of the mountains, has no guard rail and drops 500 feet to the canyon below. Definitely not a road for the faint at heart! They spent a day on the Rio Grande Railway which has been in continuous operation for 126 years.
Lee’s father Bill visited in September. Bill, Lee and Jackie spent a few days with the elk in the Rocky Mountain National Forest that backs up to Estes Park. The rutting season had just begun and numerous bull ruts were caught on film. Elk racks smacking against each other can sure wake up a forest! They also visited Bill’s old stomping grounds, Lowry Air Force Base. Bill and Lee were both reacquainted with planes they recognized and some they flew.
Christopher has had a busy semester as he pulls out 21 hours. He should graduate in May with a major in History and minor in Classics. He spent time this summer kayaking in the Northeast and joined a family reunion in Lake Tahoe. He has a busy year ahead as he and his fiancée Carolyn plan a June wedding.
Jackie is still employed at T.Rowe Price, an investment company, and enjoys her job. She writes Christian fiction in her not-so-spare time. She attended a Christian Writers’ Conference in ’08 and hopes to add another in ’09.
Lee continues at Verizon. He was able to attend a men’s retreat, survive mountain bike rides, and fishing trips for relaxation. And He really enjoys fellowship and mentoring time with men from church and Academy classmates.
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year!

Lee, Jackie, Christopher and………Paddy

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Fruchtbar Augenblick

Good evening! I hope this finds you well and enjoying a season of thanksgiving for all the precious people in your life. I appreciate everyone God has placed in mine!
I heard two words from a radio program that I hope sprout into full bloom in my life as a writer and woman. "Fruchtbar Augenblick." Sound like something Dr. R.C. Sproul may say, huh? Well he did and those words translated into English are "Fruitful Moment."
The painting is Rembrandt's "Jeremiah Lamenting the Destruction of Jerusalem." Meditate on the picture for just a moment and you can almost feel his pain. You know where he is and the consequences that are just around the corner for Jerusalem. The painter brings us into this fruchtbar augenblick. The reason I use the German for the phrase is that when Rembrandt painted this, the habit of a painter grabbing the "moment" was in vogue. And, he did this very well. Day after day he would immerse himself in the Scriptures. He sketched scene after scene after scene until the single moment that told the story arrived.
If you're a writer, how do you do this? How do you freeze that pane? Though we have story climaxes, special still moments can be found everywhere. They may be turning points in your book or a time when your protagonist must make the decision that weighs so heavily on her heart. Possibly the hand of a man on his wife's bed gripping the sheet as he releases her into eternity? Whatever that moment is, we can write it with abundant fruit We can write it so the heart of the reader grows and overflows to others. But, it takes time and time and time. Edits. Rewrites. More edits. More rewrites.
How about those fruchtbar augenblicks from a woman's perspective? Do we take opportunities that are teaching moments for our children and make them abundant? (I know I have missed some of those.)
And still yet, there is the whole life thing--the fruchtbar augenblick of life. I don't know about you, but I have, in my mind, a still moment. A life-changing moment. All the sketches of my life came together. Crinkled newspapers with old stories~~burnt and black as coal. Embers sizzle and only a few words from the stories peek through the charcoal. No fruit in this moment~~just death. The next moment was fruitful and continues on. I remember standing and leaning toward the large picture window. The sky shone bluer than ever and the grass?~~who added all the shades of green?! Scales you say? They fell from my eyes. And, I could see. I could finally see! Do you have a moment like this in your life?
Ok, back to the writers....we are created in the image of the One who created time and holds all fruchtbar augenblicks. Let's go out there and write, write, and write some more!
Till next time,

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Buckingham Palace in Colorado?

It's been a while since we've been in touch and I hope you are enjoying this beautiful time of year. The Aspens invite you to touch them with the warmth of their gold and yellow leaves quaking as you pass by. I recently had opportunity to spend the afternoon chilling in the back yard with Anne Perry. Well, not actually WITH her, but I definitely buried myself in her latest in the Pitt series.

This craft of fiction writing grows a deeper passion as I study layers of characters, places and plots. Even pushing the stakes higher and higher draws my heart out even more. Originally, I purchased the book so I could mark page tension, stakes, character layers, place, etc. You know--sort of a text book of sorts. And, oh yea--antagonist layers. A great book for study or pleasure!

I discovered a neat cozy mystery from the Victorian era in England. The book stretches from England to Africa--global stakes here! Though his diplomatic skills may seem not quite up to par, Thomas Pitt is one great detective for the Special Branch. His household maid joins him in Buckingham Palace and snoops the premises to solve a murder mystery or two. The plot twists are fantastic even leading one to suspect the heir to the throne may be guilty.

Winter will soon be upon us and if you'd like a cozy book to go along with the hot chocolate and afghan while you curl up by the fire, pick up a copy of Buckingham Palace Gardens.

Till next time~~Happy reading,

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Balloon Classic

Good evening,

Tonight was the Balloon Glow in Colorado Springs and tomorrow morning will be gorgeous, weather permitting, as roughly 100 balloons take to the sky early tomorrow morning.

Originating in 1977, The Colorado Balloon Classic is the longest continual balloon festival in the Rocky Mountains. Entrance is free and is a great time of enjoyment for the entire family.

Concession stands will be ready before the sun wakes the city. If you haven't seen balloons take off and touch down on the lake just before they ascend even higher, you are in for a real treat tomorrow morning at Memorial Park in downtown Colorado Springs.
As The Balloon Glow shines bright in the evening sky~~let your light so shine before men.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Healing for the soul....

Good morning,

I've changed the email feed on the blog recipients so I can touch different people. If you are reading the blog directly from the site and aren't on the email, please let me know and I'll be sure to add you.

Healing--isn't that what life is about as we work out our salvation? Take the old wounds to our Savior for healing. And, that takes time--a long time. After all, we didn't get ourselves into the twisted co-dependent world mind-set in just one day, did we?

I don't usually tout books on this blog, but a friend of mine, Nancy Rue, is an absolutely exquisite writer and author of over 100 books. Both her fiction and non-fiction books have poignant truths under the story line. "Healing Stones" is the first in a series of three books that are sure to stir your heart as the underlying healing begins. Steve Arterburn worked with Nancy on this series. And, his professional counseling definitely shows up in the book. I can say--first hand-- if you have any "junk" from your past that you don't know how to handle or what to do with it, the book leads you through those steps in your life. But, watch out, you may just find that the healing takes time and hard work as you walk with the characters through their lives.

If you enjoy reading fiction, this is the book for you. Autum is upon us in Colorado and is coming your way soon. This is a great book to lose yourself to as you curl up in that afghan, turn on a reading lamp and watch God bring Autum into this world and healing into your life.

Have a blessed day!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Jim met Jesus

Our loss Friday evening was Jim's gain as he entered into the presence of the Lord. Cancer didn 't have victory as Jim entered an eternity with more clear vision than he had up until Friday. Please pray for his wife, Brenda. Her strength in the Lord is amazing as she recounted that the Lord picked a mighty man to go through this. We are in the same small church group and look forward to comforting her and the family in whatever way we can. We miss Jim greatly. He is one of those truly humble people who light up a room without saying a word. And his words were always carefully chosen and full of joy.
Two friends of mine have exciting news as far as their writing. Names aren't important as the Lord knows what is happening with them. Please pray as the Spirit leads. These are some great open doors.
And me--I'm at about 67,000 at the current WIP. Am loving the self-editing book. Thanks to those who suggested the book vs critique groups. That decision was a hard one to make. But, I am more comfortable with self-edit and an editor than critique groups.

Looking forward to meeting all the saints someday


Friday, August 15, 2008

A Little Closer...

Good morning, I'm taking a break from the WIP and thought I'd catch you up on the writing progress. The book is at 62,000 words now and the first three chapters will be out to an editor today with a synopsis of the story.The pictures you see here are a sampling of symbolism and adventure you'll find.

The story takes place in a small town in Wyoming and promises to touch the hearts of women, those who have been abandoned, and adopted children. A deeper element of learning to trust pulls the entire tapestry together.

There are exciting scenes from church steeples to angry moose. Grave sites, wolves, foxes and a Biz Jet crash will keep you on the edge of your seat! Oh, did I mention murder???

Hope you enjoy the blog as tidbits show up from time to time.

Temps here are highs in the mid-50's and we are loving it! I'm thinking fireplace...maybe not quite yet.

Chris will return from a two-week-plus vacation on Monday. We miss him bunches, but the grocery bill had dropped in half :-)

Blessings to you all and have a great weekend. On Sunday, remember the importance of corporate worship and fellowship. Love the brethren.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Winter of life and a Promise

Our friend rests in a medically induced coma and has been that way for over a week. His wife misses his touch and the soft words he used to whisper to her. We ask God why. But, we also know that God rejoices over the death of his saints. Psalm 116:15--Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of His godly ones. But, where does endurance fit into our friend's life as his body shuts down and he waits for home? Our hearts ache constantly--no relief in sight.

As his lungs suffered from cancer over the past year, he has been one of the most up-beat people you could ever meet. His winsome love for God drew people to him--and still does. He and his wife travelled to Germany and sought treatments. We were with them just over a month ago. He seemed fine. He looked and felt great.

Now, his wife endures under this pressure and knows God can heal if He chooses. She waits. We wait. The life of a very precious saint is in God's hands. And, if we close our eyes we can imagine Jesus standing at the bedside in the hospital--arms open wide. In a few moments, He may stretch out His hand and take our friend home. If He does, we will again wait. We will wait for the Lord to call His Church home.

That reunion will be overwhelming--almost more than a heart can hold. Not only will we see our friends who are in our lives now, we will meet believers from every age in time. If you haven't read Randy Alcorn's book "Heaven", please try to find a copy. You can get it on Amazon, CBD, or his website~~

1 Corinthians 2: 9 & 10--It is written, "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has known what God has prepared for those who love him." But God has shown it to us through his Spirit.

Please pray for our friend and his family. We hope the best and trust God for everything.


Sunday, July 27, 2008

Flying High or Nose Dive???

Good evening! Hope this finds everyone doing well. I thought I'd take a few moments and catch you up on the latest here.

Sunday evening and we are preparing for yet another week at the day job--and, we are very grateful to have one!

So, what do you think about this BizJet? No, it isn't in my back yard. But, I spent all day Saturday and most of Sunday studying this plane. Why? Because it makes an appearance in my Work In Progres (WIP). I needed information like seat belt type, how many seats on the plane, and in an emergency landing, does that door hold hidden steps? How about the passenger briefing card? What's a person to do in an emergency without that? Does this plane have a particular common malfunction? Could that malfunction be caused from----sabotage?! If so, could there be survivors? Whew! These questions and more fill the action-packed WIP. Any suggestions for scenes, please pass them my way.

Currently, one editor is looking at the first chapter or so and another should be contacting me soon. One published friend told me that I shouldn't sell myself short and possibly just self-edit. Aweeee. Though that is a sweet thought, we'll see what comes back from the first chapter before attempting that one. I do so covet your prayers.

The steeple scene pulled together quite nicely. Thanks again for the input and emails.

At the rate I'm writing, I hope to have a first rough draft completed by September. Research is taking most of my time at this point. Tomorrow at lunch, I'll be researching home security systems.


On the home front, life is busy as usual. A friend's daughter is with us for a couple months--a real jewel. Chris is nearing the end of summer school and will be visiting family and friends over the next few weeks. Lee is---what can I say---adorable as always :-)

Tomorrow? Hopefully I'll get all the facts about the break in. Oh, didn't I tell you??? The security system. Uh huh, someone will do a neat little break in before the book moves much further. Evidence for the crime is there. Whistle whetted yet? Stay tuned!



Friday, July 18, 2008

Lion and the Lamb

Good evening,
I hope you are looking forward to a great weekend. Colorado has been temperate this past week. And, after last weekend in Houston, I relish the temperature break here.

Lion and Lamb. Have you ever looked at the traits? Look at the lamb. Small. Gentle. Helpless. A lamb must be led beside still waters. Roaring waterfalls would set the lamb running.
A lion charges. He is determined. And,
he will obtain his goal. Lions kill their prey, ripping it apart.

Jesus is the Lamb of God--slaughtered for us. He is also the Lion of Judah and could have easily come down from the cross and destroyed everyone. Yet, he didn't. The Lamb of God died my death. And, He died your death. And, the life I now live, I live to Christ.

The next time Jesus shows up on the earth, He won't be seen as a lamb. He will enter this world as the Lion. There will be no second chances then.

As believers, we can look around and see Biblical fulfillment. The time is soon. Be ready--for in the twinkling of an eye~~~

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Happy 4th!

Happy 4th of July! Plans? Family? BBQ? How about fireworks? If you live near Colorado Springs, I can definitely offer a thumbs up for the Palmer Lake Fireworks--truly amazing. But, give yourself an hour or so to get into this small mount town and get a parking place. And, oh yea...another 30 minutes or so to get a seat on the ground in the park (a folding lawn chair would be a great asset at this time). There is a small ice cream shop in the town that is within walking distance--another 30-minute wait. The splendid fireworks are longer than most. Then, you have the drive out of the town. Ummm...another hour or so. But, remember--no working tomorrow :-)
We hope to spend time with friends and chill out a bit. Saturday, Lord willing, will be a writing day for me.
Thanks to everyone for the comment and emails on the steeple choice. Looks like the first one will be the choice. Researching possible and actual accidents of steeples has been fun. I've found records back as far as 1886! Have a great accident idea? You know--stone falling and crushing a part of the church, barely missing the preacher who is standing just out of reach as the stone falls down. Anything at all. Suggestions welcome.
To date, the word count is about half way for the novel. If the accident can be solidified in my mind, another chapter will be on paper soon.
Until next time.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Steeple Shopping!

When Lee and I browsed Colorado, we took picture of churches--with steeples. Why? The book has a pretty interesting scene with a steeple. The problem is...what type of steeple is right for the book? So, help me out here...k? Think small town Wyoming--up against the mountains. Which church fits best?

If you don't want to blog your suggestion, please email me at I welcome any suggestions!

Back to the story....Why did he leave Wyoming? To find who? What about the other guy? hmmmm, wonder what those two in the book will be doing in Chapter 9--


Sunday, June 29, 2008

Rico--The Lady of Tranquility

Good evening,
I hope the weekend has been a blessing. We had a gorgeous one in Colorado!

These two pictures are but a taste of the area around Rico, Colorado. For those of you who know the plot of my book, I'm sure you understand the message behind the cemetery. Yes, a man will speak from the grave and shine light on much going on in the world after he's gone.
But, beyond the graves, take note of the splendor of the nature in that area. Everything from Rico to Ridgeway spoke of absolutely the most breathtaking scenery. For more information on this fantastic vacation area please click on this post title.

Even though the weekend was busy seeding and fertilizing a lawn, meeting with friends, gaining a surrogate daughter for the summer, (yes, you read that right) and cleaning the house, I was able to crank out a chapter of the book. I do have a goal of about

80,000 words before fall and I'm at about 33,000 now. Please pray with me as I search for an editor.

Hopefully, I'll be submitting another short devotional within the next couple weeks--need that platform.

Plans for the fourth? If you are looking for a great place for fireworks, Palmer Lake, Colorado, is always the best. It will take you a while to find a parking place in this small mountain town and over an hour to leave. But, sit back and enjoy the fellowship in your car. No work on Saturday. Hope you got that memo!
That's it for tonight. Please feel free to leave a comment or question!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Mesa Verde

Aaaa.. ..Mesa Verde. What can I say?! The southwest portion of Colorado was extremely hot while we were there. But, beautiful. What part of Colorado isn't beautiful, huh? If you click on the title above, you'll go to the national park page about Mesa Verde. If you plan on a trip there--going before mid-June would be a great idea. While you're there, you'll feel a different spirit there. There is what some would call calm or peaceful. But, the stillness felt like death to me. You know, there is an eeriness there that can't really be described with words. The skill shown reminds me much of the Pyramids.

On a different note, those of you who get this via email, please stop by the blogsite. I've added cool links and feeds on the right hand side that are lots of fun. And, if you aren't a blogger yet, it is a great way to keep up to date with everyone. It's like journaling but leaving out the most private stuff. Let's face it, the world can see you here.
I'm still on the book and hope to get some done this evening. Word count is about a third of the book so prayers are much appreciated. I'm also looking for an editor or book doctor to look at it when I'm done. I've informed an acquisition editor at Waterbrook that I hope to have a draft by mid-fall.

Off for tonight~~

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Durango to Silverton

Good afternoon and I hope you are enjoying a great Sunday! A touch of rain here today, and we need it. Lee and I are off to a picnic this afternoon, then we'll begin the mental change from vacation back to the office.

But first let me share about the Strater Hotel in Durango. Amazing! Simply amazing! The hotel is similar to the Old Colorado Hotel in Glenwood Springs, though smaller. And, it's located in the heart of downtown Durango.

The train to Silverton made for a very long day. Total time was about nine hours. In the picture on the left, we are actually seated inside at the back of the train and took a picture of the engine as she rounded the mountain ahead of us. Oft times, the edge of the track was just outside our window. The drop down was longgggg, but gorgeous.

I've included snippits of Durango, the hotel and train below. Accompanying links will offer more information if you're interested in visiting a bit of history in Colorado.

Tomorrow...Mesa Verde. Quite a different spirit.

Until then~~

During the 1870's miners flocked to Durango as they searched for gold and silver. The town of Durango itself was the child of the Denver & Rio Grande Western Railroad Company, established in 1879. Company management planned and laid out the charming downtown that remains today, though when the railroad first "arrived" in town on August 5, 1881, Durango was dubbed the "Smelter City" and "the new city in the wilderness," as it was host to the region's growing smelting, mining and agricultural economy.

Strater Hotel -- 1887-At a time when Durango's future still hung in the balance-would it remain a mining camp or become a metropolis?-a Cleveland pharmacist named Henry Strater had the vision and the faith that Durango would prosper. And with its prosperity, it would need a grand hotel. Strater had the nerve and drive, but he also had three minor handicaps. He lacked sufficient money, he had no experience in the hotel business, and he was still a minor and legally could not enter into a contract. Undaunted, he fibbed a bit about his age, borrowed the money, and plowed ahead. Construction was quite a challenge, but with the help of his brothers, Fred and Frank and His Father Antone, and a lot of enthusiasm, Henry's dream was realized. The Strater Hotel opened after an expenditure of $70,000, and placement of 376,000 native red bricks and hand-carved sandstone cornices and sills. For more information on Durango or the hotel, click on

Durango was founded by the Denver & Rio Grande Railway in 1879. The railroad arrived in Durango on August 5, 1881 and construction on the line to Silverton began in the fall of the same year. By July of 1882 (amazingly, only 9 months after construction began) the tracks to Silverton were completed, and the train began hauling both freight and passengers. For more information, click on

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Gunnison, Montrose and Silverton

Aaaahhhh--vacation! First thing we did was enjoy the smooth drive through Gunnison, Colorado. Gunnison is about three-plus hours southwest of Colorado Springs and home of Western State College of Colorado. After gawking at the beautiful lakes, we were on to Silverton via Ouray where we had opportunity to look wayyyy over the edge on million-dollar-highway just ourside Ouray.

If you tiptoe to the edge...go can see the drop off. That drop is at least 1,000 feet and many places on the highway didn't have a rail. There is current construction going on there now. So, be careful if you are going to Durango this way.

The Uncompagre River seems to run forever and is absolutely gorgeous! Plenty of fishing. Lee and I are already planning our next trip. Between Gunnison and Ouray, we spent one night at a B & B in Montrose. Had we known the beauty of Ouray, we probably would have driven the extra 30 minutes to Ouray on our first evening out.
Thanks for your prayers while we were gone. The SUV absorbed many miles with no car trouble at all.
Tomorrow, the beginning of a journey back to about 1882. Toot Toot! chugga chugga chugga....
Until tomorrow~~

Friday, June 20, 2008

A Word About Me

Lee and I returned from our vacation this evening. We had a whirlwind of a time together--Montrose to Durango via Silverton. Then, we took the 126-year-old train from Durango to Silverton and back to Durango--long day! That line was constructed to haul silver and gold ore from the San Juan. After that, we were off to Mesa Verde. We left that area and came through Rico, Colorado and up to Ridgeway. After a short detour to Telluride, we made our way to Ouray. The evening there was at a lovely B & B. We left late this morning and had dinner before getting home. Surely you didn't think cooking was on tonight's schedule, did you? Moving right along...I've looked at email and hope to chill the rest of the evening. Lord willing, the blog tomorrow will have pictorial highlights of our trip. This picture is just a taste.....

A friend of mine posted this to her blog. I thought I'd pass it on to you. The below answers are one word answers about me. Care to share yours?
1. Where is your cell phone? kitchen

2. Your significant other? hubby
3. Your hair? highlighted

4. Your mother? Sue
5. Your father? James

6. Your favorite thing? Eschatology
7. Your dream last night? comforting

8. Your favorite drink? coffee
9. Your dream/goal? finish
10. The room you’re in? family

11. Your ex? remarried
12. Your fear? none
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Larkspur
14. Where were you last night? Ouray

15. What you’re not? lost
16. Muffins? please

17. One of your wish list items? published
18. Where you grew up? USA

19. The last thing you did? drive
20. What are you wearing? clothes
21. Your TV? off
22. Your pets? Brittany
23. Your computer? always
24. Your life? peaceful
25. Your mood? preparing

26. Missing someone? Jesus
27. Your car? tired

28. Something you’re not wearing? jewelry
29. Favorite store? Chicos
30. Your summer? fulfilling
31. Like(love) someone? hubby
32. Your favorite color? periwinkle
33. Last time you laughed? today

34. Last time you cried? today
35. Who will re-post this? anyone!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Vacation is just an hour away....

Happy Sunday! For all the dads--Happy Father's Day!

The squirrels were out early this morning as Lee was feeding them. We have about eight squirrels who hear the back door open or hear the garage door open as I leave every morning. These sounds are their reveille.

The book is nearly a third complete on the first draft, then, I'll self edit. After that, I'll ask a couple friends to go through it for content and plot. I have contacted the publishing house who is interested in the book to let them know that the rate I'm going, the first draft should be complete by early fall.

The best part of the book is how Lee and I are wrapping our heads around the story line ...together. At least one huge scene will be crafted with the facts that only a pilot could know.

Hope you have a great day.


Friday, June 13, 2008

Forever Family

Good evening,
Another article published and I thought I'd share. Hope you have a great weekend!

Forever Family

The church lobby door slammed shut. Small copper bells that hung over the door echoed throughout the offices. Startled, I rounded the corner of my small office. My nine o’clock appointment arrived on time—9:15.

His hair resembled an untidy Afghan and the heat of this mid-summer day smothered him with a stench that mixed sweat and dirt. With his left hand cradling his right elbow, he nodded at me when I offered a handshake. An awkward introduction.His manner was cautious. In an attempt to break the ice, I stepped aside and presented my office as a game show hostess would present a prize.

“My name is Joyce. Please come in.”

“I’m Ron,” he said as he walked past me and entered the office.

Eight chairs surrounded the large rectangular table. I pulled a chair out for him and then one for myself. As we sat side by side, I scanned the benevolence application he dropped off the prior day. From my peripheral vision, I saw him rub his elbow. I laid the application on the table and exchanged it for a nearby Bible.

“Ron, I research community requests to determine what assistance, if any, the church can offer in certain situations. You state on your application that you aren’t currently working but you have a wife and one-year-old twins. Why aren’t you working?”

As the ball rolled into his court, he unveiled a small piece of his story.

“I hurt my elbow on the job and I’m waiting on workers’ comp. I need food and diapers for the twins.”

I flipped through the pages of the Old Testament and stopped at Deuteronomy 15:11. With the pages of the Bible open, I asked Ron if he would allow me to read something to him.“You see Ron, the only way we would have ever met is if God gave you a need and He gave the church a supply. There is a divine reason that you are here today.” I pointed to the text and read out loud while his eyes followed my fingers on the page.“For the poor will never cease to be in the land; therefore I command you, saying, ‘You shall freely open your hand to your brother, to your needy and poor in your land.’”

Silence permeated the room for a few moments as I watched Ron ponder those words. The sun’s rays through the open drapes now revealed dried tears on his dark face. Perceiving the Spirit at work, I gently continued, “Do you see yourself in this verse?”

Tears welled up in his eyes as he pointed to two particular words on the page. “Needy. Poor. I’m needy and poor.”

I nodded in affirmation and then flipped the pages forward to Luke 4:18-19. “‘The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because He anointed me to preach the Gospel to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives, and recovery of sight to the blind, to set free those who are oppressed, to proclaim the favorable year of the Lord.’”

Tears now cascaded down Ron’s face as he took his eyes from the pages of Scripture and looked at me. With quivering lips he spoke. “According to this, you’re supposed to tell me something. What is it?”

For the next few minutes, time stood still as I watched the resurrection of this man’s heart. Once again through the preaching of the Gospel, the Spirit of the Lord grasped a man’s heart and brought him from darkness into light—from death to life.The church supplied his need, spiritually and physically. Ron told me he felt like he had known me forever and we experienced a family reunion—brother and sister.

A few months later, Ron called me with another food request. Eager to see him, I agreed to deliver.Upon arrival at the door of his inner city duplex, a voice from inside beckoned to me. I gazed around the small living room. The floor hosted at least 15 old sleeping bags. I scrunched my eyebrows and looked into Ron’s beaming face. One by one, I pointed at the sleeping bags.

“What is all this?”

He laughed through the face of an angel. “New family members. The poor and needy—our brothers and sisters.”

“Food for the family reunion.” I handed him the bag and smiled.

Again--beautiful photo from

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Withstand the Weather

A short devotional of mine was published this week on I thought I'd share it with you...
Withstand the Weather
Everyone who hears these words of Mine and does not act on them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand. The rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and slammed against that house; and it fell—and great was its fall. Matthew 7: 26 & 27 (NASB)
Joy filled Rachael and John as they carefully picked the plans for their dream house. They poured their hearts into everything from annotating light fixtures in the kitchen to picking the precise color of stucco for the outside.Everything progressed perfectly—almost. Upon final inspection, Rachael’s countenance sank when she saw the bathroom light fixture hang over her kitchen sink. Who placed the light switch behind the refrigerator?John’s face flamed red with discontent when he saw the stucco on his house chip due to icy weather conditions during the application. Cracks in the newly cemented driveway told the same story. Will the sky light leak when rain pours?Rachael and John immediately contacted the builder and demanded that the items be repaired. They wanted their house built well so it would meet their needs and withstand tough weather conditions.As Christians we are to pay attention to the tiniest details of our faith and search the Scriptures daily. We should desire a well-built house. Only a foundation built on Jesus is able to withstand tough conditions in this world.
Father, help us to build our lives in Christ so we are able to stand—regardless of anything that comes our way. Amen.
And, this fabulous photo and hundreds of others can be found at
Bazillions of the best photos anywhere!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

a"Moose"ing Suspense?

The story begins in a small Wyoming town. Peter Broyles is dead--no accident. Along the way, many geographical touches enter the book. Including this one. Incredible, isn't it? A moose--of all animals--enters a suspense novel. Ever hear of MRU's? Motivation reaction units. They are a must to keep the story moving forward with tension on every page. I was totally amazed when I discovered a moose made a cameo appearance in the story. hhmmm, MRU? Doesn't take much to imagine that if one of these beautiful beasts attacks, a person would definitely react....hence moving the story forward.
Wyoming and Colorado are the main locations for this suspense novel. So yes, you will see elk, moose, mountains and maybe a cat or two. During the autumn, you'll hear the bull elk bugle and his breath will permeate the still evening air. To make sure the journey is accurate and the story as real as possible, Lee and I hope to take a few days to travel to the small town in Wyoming. We may even find a graveyard with a tombstone that resembles Mr. Broyles'. Maybe other clues will be found in the "clutter" of the book's details before the manuscript is complete.
Take the trip with me. Four chapters are completed and I never know where it will turn. After all, the moose showed up quite unexpectedly. Prayers are appreciated as I try to complete a chapter plus per week.
Oh, what's that? You want a seed of a clue about the story? ok...Peter Broyles is needed desperately. And, he is no good to anyone dead. Except for the package he left behind.......
Blessings to you until next time~~

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Estes Park Conference

Home safe and sound. The conference was great with so much learning. I was reacquainted with old friends and made many new ones. A publishing house is interested in seeing my manuscript. But, as I was warned by a new friend--wait and see, don't jump ahead. I'm excited that I had opportunity to meet with a couple suspense writers. Other seeds came from the conference and I hope to watch them grow as well.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


The writers’ conference in Estes Park is closing in on me and preparations are coming along—slowly, but they are coming. Two chapters of a novel are completed, a one-page book synopsis, 500-word of the first chapter for the Nangie part of the conference, and an 18-chapter synopsis. I hope to get a book proposal done within the next few days. Then, about six hard copies on 24-lb paper for editors and agents. CD discs will accompany the hard copies along with a photo business card. Thank you notes will be tucked away for those authors, editors and agents I will meet.
What to wear?! Oh yes, jeans are a must have for the casual times in the mountains. But, time had to be set aside to coordinate outfits, jewelry, purses, etc. Can’t forget about marketing, can I? I need to think hard about a bio and platform as well.
Sound like a busy time? That’s preparation. As I meditated on preparation and what that word means, I found a great definition—to make ready beforehand for some approaching event or need. Jesus is doing that for us now. He told us so much in John 14:2, “In My Father's house are many dwelling places; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you.”
When I prepare for something, I am constantly thinking on the matter—like the writers’ conference. I want all the details in place. Not only does Jesus put all the details in place for us, he reveals them to us. 1 Corinthians 2:9 & 10—but just as it is written, “Things which eye has not seen and ear has not heard, and which have not entered the heart of man, all that God has prepared for those who love Him. “For to us God revealed them through the Spirit; for the Spirit searches all things, even the depths of God.
The next time you sit with your Bible and a nice cup of tea, why not do a topical study of prepare? His Spirit will reveal things to your heart—because you love him!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Ravishing Saturday

Today looks to be quite ravishing with the Son as the sine qua non that will create a real beauty. Though the temps here in Monument are a cool 25 to 27 degrees, the day will heat up quickly as others and myself pound the pavement to petition our Congressman onto the ballot. If you are in El Paso Country and are a registered Republican, please call me :-)
The writers' conference at Estes Park is crouching up on those of us who are going. Thinking about looking at laptops this afternoon. Any suggestions where I might get a good one for a decent price?
I hope you all have a very blessed day and enjoy the sun. Get out, breathe and take a walk!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Thursday, May 1, 2008


Friends often ask me if I have any pointers of good vacation spots in Colorado. My photo albums capture everything from the most majestic snow-capped mountain ranges in The Rocky Mountain National Forest to the tiniest chipmunks on the tundra. The undisturbed forest is at its best in the cool evenings. Fresh morning dew permeates the air and awakens visitors as Humming Birds dance outside their windows. My favorites photos are the ones like the Elk among the Aspens in Autumn. Drive ever so slowly through the Rocky Mountains--feel every bump. After all, that is what makes them mountains! A small stirring in the forest may reveal Elk hidden in their natural habitat. They know they are protected and fear nothing.
The body of Christ is to be the same. We are hidden. We are protected. And, we should fear nothing. So, the next time you are confused or a bit fearful, close your eyes and allow your mind to drift to the Elk who are hidden here. Picture yourself hidden with Christ in God...
...Colossians 3:2-4 ~~Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth. For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is our life, is revealed, then you also will be revealed with Him in glory.